Selasa, 20 Maret 2012


The text is for questions 1 - 3

Breaking and Entering is unusual film. Will and Sandy are architects working on a major urban renewal project in the King’s Cross section in London. The area is unsafe and ready for such s project. Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse.
Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office. One night, he saw Miro trying to break into the building. He chased Miro to his rundown apartment block and watched him return home to his mother, Amira, a Bosnian immigrant who makes a living tailoring clothes. Soon, Will ‘meet’ Amira and they begin an affair. And Amira learns that Will holds the key of her son’s future. How far will this mother go to protect her son? Breaking and Entering is a very interesting film, but it is almost entirely character driven. This is not a bad thing although in the film we are exposed to a story or action driven.
Anthony Minghella, the director, creates some of the most believable interesting characters these actors have ever played. It is almost painful to watch them on their journey. Each of the characters makes decisions affecting how their lives will play out, or change and these decisions and actions affect the story. The characters aren’t reacting to the story. They are changing.
1. The text is mainly about….
    A. a review of a new film, Breaking and Entering
    B. the process in making the new film, Breaking and Entering
    C. an amusing story dealing with experience in different ways
    D. an account of an unusual or amusing incident retold by the film
    E. the description how the film is accomplished through a series of steps
    Keywords: text, about
    Keywords ‘text (tells) about...’ sama halnya meminta Anda menentukan topik teks. Topik teks selalu           diletakkan di bagian awal – Line 1 “Breaking and Entering is unusual film.” Ingat! Jika teks membahas           suatu film, majalah atau surat kabar maka teks tersebut bertujuan untuk mereview. Maka, jawaban telah       ditemukan yaitu a review a new film, Breaking and Entering. 

2. “Will and Sandy move their offices into a nearby vacant warehouse”.(Paragraph 1)
     The antonym of the underlined word is….
     A. empty                   D. occupied
     B. fulfilled                  E. luxurious
     C. covered
     Keywords: vacant, paragraph 1, antonym
     ‘vacant’ merupakan keyword yang terdapat dalam paragraph 1. Dalam kalimat yang memuat keyword        ‘vacant’ juga memuat kata ‘move’. Secara logika seseorang akan memindahkan sesuatu pada tempat            yang belum terisi apapun atau kosong. Jadi, ‘move’ sebagai petunjuk bahwa ‘vacant warehouse’ dapat        diartikan ‘gudang yang kosong’. Kata ‘kosong’ yang diambil dari keyword ‘vacant’ dapat dilawankan          dengan kata ‘isi’ atau ‘occupied’.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
    A. Miro is one of the burglars who tried to break into Will’s new office.
    B. Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office.
    C. Miro is Amira’s son, Bosnian immigrant who makes a living by tailoring clothes.
    D. the area where the two architects work is unsafe and ready for renewal project.
    E. Minghella, the critic, creates some of the most interesting characters the actors have ever              played.
    Keywords: statement, not true
    Menentukan ‘not true statement’ atau ‘pernyata-an yang tidak benar’ dapat dilakukan dengan                       memperhatikan keywords yang ada pada pilihan jawaban dan teks. Data 1 (A) Miro is one of the                 burglars who tried to break into Will’s new office. – sesuai dengan Line 7-8 “One night, he saw Miro           trying to break into the building.” Data 2 (B) Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office. –       sesuai dengan Line 6-7 “Will has to deal with constant burglaries at his new office.” Data 3 (C) “Miro is       Amira’s son, Bosnian immigrant who makes a living by tailoring clothes.” – sesuai dengan Line 8-10 “He       chased Miro to his rundown apartment block and watched him return home to his mother, Amira, a               Bosnian immigrant who makes a living tailoring clothes.” Data 4 (D) “The area where the two architects         work is unsafe and ready for renewal project.” – sesuai dengan Line 1-4 “Will and Sandy are architects       working on a major urban renewal project in the King’s Cross section in London. The area is unsafe and       ready for such a project.” Jadi, jika keempat pilihan jawaban di atas sesuai dengan teks, maka pilihan (E)     yang pasti tidak sesuai dengan teks.

The text is for questions 4 and 5

On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster.
People are increasingly concerned about this. In the 1990’s nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world. In 2005, it was the 2nd slowest growing.
4. Why is nuclear power very dangerous?
    A. its radioactive lasts long

    B. uranium is renewable
    C. it is reliable
    D. it is cheap
    E. it is safe
    Keywords: nuclear power, dangerous, because
    Keyword “because” mengarahkan Anda untuk menemukan alasan mengapa “nuclear power is                     dangerous”. Lihat Line 19-21 “...nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried       for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away.” Kalimat yang dicetak tebal inilah yang menjadi           alasan “nuclear power is dangerous.”

5. The opposite of dangerous is …(Paragraph 4)
    A. vile                   D. calm
    B. dull                   E. safe
    C. tiny
    Keywords: opposite, dangerous
    Keyword ‘opposite’ memiliki maksud sama dengan ‘antonym/ lawan kata’. ‘dangerous’ merupakan kata     sifat dari ‘danger’ yang berarti berbahaya. Dengan demikian lawan kata dari berbahaya adalah aman             (safe).

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